
Heaven is unavailable, but you can change that!

Our culture has a lot to say about heaven. But too much of it is based more on imaginative speculation or “supernatural” experiences than on the Bible itself. In the latest addition to the Theology in Community series, Christopher Morgan and Robert Peterson have assembled an interdisciplinary team of evangelical scholars to explore the doctrine of heaven from a variety of angles. Among other...

in creation” (Gen. 2:3). The word “rested” is the Hebrew shabat, from which the concept of the Sabbath was developed. Far from the superstitions of surrounding nations, who also observed special days, Israel’s Sabbath day was a day of joy, a celebration of God, for it was his own celebration of completing his creative work (Ex. 31:14, 16; Deut. 5:12, 15).7 Why does God rest? Certainly he does not grow tired (Ps. 121:4; Isa. 40:28). Rather, God ceased from his creative activity; his work was finished.
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